How Often Should I……?

I get asked these questions all the time.

How often should I cleanse my skin? How often should I scrub/exfoliate? How often should I wear sunscreen? How often should I get a facial? How often should I do waxing?

Let’s start with “how often should I cleanse my skin?”.  I believe once a day is all that is needed for cleansing the facial skin.  MOST IMPORTANT is to cleanse the skin at night and always before bed. Even if you fall asleep on the sofa with makeup on, get up and wash your face. No need to wash again in the morning unless there is a specific reason. Just splash the face with several splashes of warm water then follow with a couple of cold splashes.

Next question is “how often should I scrub/exfoliate?”. I recommend 4-5 times per week. It partly depends on what type of exfoliant you are using.  For physical scrubs like NaturaActiv’s Silt Exfolia, I like to say definitely 4-5 times per week. Not a hard scrub, just a regular scrub with nice pressure. Continued scrubbing not only keeps the surface of the skin smooth and free of dead skin cells, it also stimulates renewal of the cells. Scrubbing also helps keep the blackheads away. It also makes the skin ready for serums to feed and nourish the skin.  If you are using a chemical exfoliant like NaturaActiv’s Retin-A, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid or Salix by NaturaActiv or such, then that really depends on how strong the chemical is and how it affects the peeling process of your skin. It may be that you use the product until you start to notice dryness/flakiness or slight peeling. Then, back off for a few days until your skin normalizes than get back at it again.  Even in the interim, I recommend using a physical scrub to remove dryness and flakes.

Question #3 is “how often should I wear a sunscreen?”. I don’t like sunscreens. There, I said it. If you just have to wear one, then wear a natural sunscreen/block made with mineral based protection similar to Tizo Physical Sun Protection. I believe, if you must wear one, only wear it when you are spending time in the sun. If you work inside then why bother to wear a sunscreen. If you are going to be hiking in the sun for several hours, then wear one (large brimmed hats are better for you and wear long sleeves cotton shirts and pants). Look at the people who live in the hottest, sunniest places. Most of them are covered up. Seek shade and stay out of the mid-day sun. You won’t expose yourself to ingredients that companies will later say they “thought were safe at the time”.

Another questions is “how often should I get a facial?”.  Again, this depends on what is going on with your skin. For facial maintenance, once per month is great. Skin cells turn over every 28 days so monthly is good. If you need a specialty type of facial treatment, one that is focused on your specific concern, it may be weekly. But for general facials, once monthly is good.

Question #5 is “how often should I do waxing?”.  What area? Different areas have different growth periods.  For example, bikini and underarms have a growing period of six months whereas brows and lips have a growth period of 2-3 months.  Of course, not all hair is growing at the same time. So the short answer is 3-4 weeks for waxing maintenance.


Oxygen Infusion

mature-womanThe reason it works is that the infusion delivers a potent combo of oxygen and hyaluronic acid serum at the lowest molecular weight possible, which means that the serum is easily absorbed through the skin pores and directly into the deeper tissue. Brea is a cosmetic chemist and will custom blend a serum for your skin at time of your appointment.

The results of Oxygen Infusion treatments are cumulative and continue to improve with repeated application.  A course of six applications over six weeks is recommended to achieve optimum results.  Following this, and to maintain results, applications will only be required every four to six weeks.

This is a targeted treatment to smooth the appearance of expression lines and wrinkles.  With our custom made ingredients at time of facial, this treatment firms, lifts and plumps the appearance of wrinkles caused by facial muscle contractions around the forehead, eye, nasal folds and lip areas. Your skin will look and feel years younger, visibly lifted, toned and hydrated.
$165 – 90 minutes



What Does Yeast (Candida) Related Acne Look Like?

Starting in 1982, I noticed some of my clients had certain blemishes/acne that I could not help. I would shake my head and tell them that it was “something in their blood”. I did not know what, but it was not a typical acne condition.

Photo 1 – Yeast Related Acne

acne nodule

Photo 2 – Nodules

I had one client named Barbara. She came to me for more than two years. She had what looked like cigarette burns all over her face, brows, eyelids and neck (acne is never on eyelids-never). She also had hyper- and hypo- pigmentation. It was a pretty bad situation for her. The “cigarette-burn-like” lesions were raw looking in the middle with “crispy” brown edges. These edges were where scabs were trying to form but could not due to the yeast activity in the raw area. Usually, this type of blemish itches. When they first come up, they are in the form of nodules (Photo 2).

You can clearly see that the nodules are NOT associated with a follicle (pore) and that the bump is in the tissue rather than in the follicle.  It is difficult to leave this type of blemish alone because it itches and it is painful.

Photo 3 – Lesions, Scarring & Hyper- & Hypo- Pigmentation

When trying to heal, this blemish has a very difficult time due to the yeast activity. When healing finally takes place, you are not really healed as you will see red marks in place of the raw lesion.  Over time, there will be some healing and as seen in the above Photo 1 and at right Photo 3, the marks are brown (hyperpigmented) or white (hypopigmented).  Sometimes the scaring is deeper as in Photo 3. This is partly due to client scraping with fingernails becasue of the itching and/or damage by destructive yeast destroying the living tissue.  You can also see the hyper- and hypo- pigmentation here in Photos 1 & 3.

Back to Barbara…
Barbara came to me 4 weeks after her last facial and her skin was perfect. I do mean perfect. No acne, no pigmentation, nothing.  How could that be. She discovered she had yeast (she had other symptoms as well). That was the answer I had been looking for for quite some time (there ‘WAS’ something in the blood).  Then as the years passed, I had many clients with varying types of blemishes that looked similar to Barbara’s. We gave them a protocol to work with and amazing results happened quickly. While it’s not an “overnight” cure, we can clear it seemingly overnight and with some modifications in your lifestyle and diet, we (you and Brea) can get it clear and rid your body of yeast. And, in one month’s time, you will have clear, perfect skin. It will take some dedication on your part and I know you can do it.

I have the answers for this skin problem and it is amazing how quickly clearing can take place when placed on the proper protocol.

Call Brea for your free 30 minute consultation. WE CAN HELP!

What type of acne do you have?

Basically, there are two types of acne.

acneFollicular Acne: A formation of a comedone (blackhead).  The opening of the hair follicle (pore as you may call it) becomes blocked/congested by dead skin cells and sebum (oil).  Often, this blockage continues to increase in size until the follicle wall will break and all the debris mentioned (cells & oil) plus bacteria rush into the internal body. Immediately, the body takes control rushing white blood cells to the area to clean to “digest” the debris.  You will see an inflamed bump and then a pustule. The pustule is the good sign that your body is working to clear the intrusion into the body.

nodulesSystemic Acne: This type of acne often appears of out of the clear blue. One moment there is no blemish, next thing you know you have a red and sore bump on your skin.  I often say that it is the type of blemish that when touched (as in try to squeeze it) that it hurts all the way down to your big toe.  Ouch! It is painful. Many clients come to me with this blemish and scars on their faces from squeezing, trying to get “something” out.  This type of blemish has NO “something” to get out.  All they usually see is lymphatic fluid and then, of course, after all the squeezing, they end up with a sore/scab on their face. Sometimes they have squeezed or scraped with fingernails and will end up with a scar and one they would not have had if they’d left it alone altogether.  The approach to clearing this type of blemish is totally different from the Follicular Acne blemish.

yeast caused acneYeast Blemish: This blemish also appears out of nowhere and it itches. It is usually caused when their is an excess of yeast in the body’s system. It leaves dark marks and sometimes light marks where each blemish has been. This blemish is not related to oily skin and can appear in the strangest of places, like the eyelid, ear lobes, neck, arms, etc. It also has a difficult time healing. It requires taking the right pro-biotic and taking it in therapeutic doses. It may also mean taking a look at the diet and changes that could be made.  This is a systemic blemish and I wanted to talk about it a bit.

miliaMilia: Milia is the technical term for small, hard, white bumps that can show up—mostly on the face. I often say they look like tiny pearls under the skin.These frustrating bumps are incredibly stubborn and cannot be “squeezed out”. Most people cannot get rid of them or should not really try. Though milia aren’t harmful in any way, getting rid of them can be tough on your own. They do not turn into pustules or inflamed bumps. However, they can continue to fill and become larger over time. This is an easy fix at Virtu.

To find out what type of blemishes you have and get started at clearing your skin, call Brea for a consultation.  First 30 minutes are free.

828 367 9099

Acne Treatments & Acne Scar Treatment

facial11acneWith over 38 years experience in treating various skins, Brea understands the causes of acne. There are only two types of acne and a blend of those two.  Once we determine the type of acne, we can proceed to get your skin clear.

We offer treatments perfect for blemished and problematic skin as well as scar reduction.

We recommend if your acne condition is mild, that you start with a Signature Facial.  If needed, Brea will recommend one of the treatments below. Of course, it is perfectly fine to choose one of the facial treatments below or your first appointment.  

For scar reduction, we highly recommend our Frequentia Scar Reduction Treatment as it is phenomenally effective. Living with acne scars day-to-day may be difficult for you. If so, Frequentia Scar reduction treatment may be the perfect option for you. This treatment involves a sophisticated radio-frequency technique, a technologically advanced method with great results and quick recovery time.  It is designed to stimulate the body’s natural collagen production.

This is a unique way to address and correct the following:acne scars, surgical scars, chicken pox scars, stretch marks, wrinkles and upper lip lines, hyperpigmentation, lax skin, sun damaged skin, large pores and skin texture.

Creating Flawless Skin

  • Fibromas
  • Sebaceous Hyperplasia (inverted follicles)
  • Cherry Angiomas
  • Skin Tags
  • Keratosis
  • Broken Capillaries
  • Cholesterol Deposits
  • Spider Naevi

This astounding treatment uses radio, high frequency technology to treat minor skin abnormalities, without penetrating the skin’s surface. The discomfort level experienced by the client is tolerable, with the sensation produced feeling much like a tight pinch to the skin. No topical anesthestic is required, but can be used if sensitive. Results are immediate. Treatments range from 1 minute to about 10 minutes depending on what we’re taking care of.

skin tag asheville

A skin tag is a small tag of skin which may have a peduncle (stalk) – they look like a small piece of soft, hanging skin. Skin tags are invariably benign – non cancerous – tumors of the skin which cause no symptoms, unless it is repeatedly rubbed or scratched, as may happen with clothing, jewelry, or when shaving.  They most often grow on the eyelids, underarms, under the breasts, groin, upper chest and neck.

A cherry angioma is bright red, of a circular or oval shape, and small—ranging in size from a pinpoint to one-fourth of an inch in diameter. Some cherry angiomas appear smooth and even with your skin, while others appear slightly raised. They most often grow on the torso, arms, and shoulders.

telangiectasiaTELANGIECTASIA Thread Veins, Spider Naevus, Broken Capillaries
Thread veins are tiny blood vessels which run close to the surface of the skin and look like fine red, or sometimes purple, wiggly lines. They’re also sometimes called ‘spider veins’ or ‘broken veins’, although the veins aren’t infact broken but only slightly enlarged and close to the surface. The medical term for them is telangiectasia. We only work on the facial area for these.

Seborrheic keratosisSEBORRHEIC KERATOSIS
A benign skin disorder due to excessive growth of the top layer of skin cells, usually found in persons over 30 years old. They may appear as just one growth or in clusters. They are most often brown but can differ in color and range anywhere from light tan to black. They come in different sizes, anywhere from a fraction of an inch (orcentimeter) to an inch (2.5 cm) in diameter. The telltale feature of seborrheic keratoses is that they look like they have been pasted on the skin or just stuck on it. They may look like a dab of warm brown candle wax that dropped on the skin. Almost everybody eventually develops at least a few seborrheic keratoses since they tend to become more common and more numerous with age. They are sometimes referred to as “barnacles of old age.” The development of seborrheic keratoses is sometimes triggered by pregnancy, estrogen therapy or certain medical conditions.

Sebaceous hyperplasia is the term used for enlarged sebaceous glands (also known as inverted follicles) seen on the forehead or cheeks of the middle-aged and elderly. Sebaceous hyperplasia appears as small yellow bumps up to 3 mm in diameter. Close inspection reveals a central hair follicle surrounded by yellowish lobules. There are often prominent blood vessels separating the lobules. Due most likely to sun damage, the sebaceous (oil) glands have risen to the surface and surround the hair follicle. They can become extremely knobbly and give the skin a rough appearance.

cholesterol deposits near eyes ashevilleCHOLESTEROL DEPOSITS Xanthomas
The cause of xanthomas on the eyelids is not known. They are not contagious nor are they harmful. Simply put, they are small buildups of fat under the surface of the skin. Normally, excess fat is absorbed so the appearance of these growths can indicate an abnormality in that fat absorption process.

Is the Skin You Want Under the Skin You See?

older womanReveal your beautiful new skin quickly.

Are you struggling with the aging process?  Do you wish you could do something about the lines and wrinkles on your forehead, eyes and around your mouth?  How about your neck? Wish the skin on neck was tighter?

Getting older is great, but many of us don’t want to look older than we feel. Living with deep wrinkles day-to-day may be difficult for you. If so, Frequentia Deep Wrinkle full face treatment may be the perfect option for your anti-aging treatment regimen. This treatment is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment with quick recovery time. It is designed to stimulate & remodel the body’s natural collagen production.This is a unique way to address and correct the following: acne scars, surgical scars, chicken pox scars, stretch marks, wrinkles and upper lip lines, hyperpigmentation, lax skin (lifting), sun damaged skin, large pores and skin texture.

Great for all skin types and colors.


What is the number #1 indicator of aging?

  1. Wrinkles/Lines
  2. Sagging/Loose Skin
  3. Age Spots/Dark Spots/Liver Spots

The first thing that may have come to mind were wrinkles or sagging skin. Sure, they are signs of aging, but did you know that age spots are the #1 sign of aging.  Dry/dehydrated skin can cause wrinkles, even on a young persons skin. Weight loss in a younger person can result in sagging/loose skin.

age spots, pigmentationNot every person of a certain age will develop age spots, but usually age spots start to show around age 38-40 or later. You will most likely develop these dark spots in the areas of the body that have the most sun exposure:  face, hands, shoulders and arms. This is not to say they won’t develop on legs, back or any other area, as they do. Age spots are caused by an excess production of melanin. Routine sun exposure over the course of your life starts the development of the excess melanin in pockets – spotty areas on the skin. Strangely, some people never develop age spots. Some of us are more prone to hyperpigmentation than others. Sometimes it can happen without the sun involved at all.

So, wouldn’t it be great if there was a product that not only helped firm the skin as well as soften/plump lines and wrinkles AND…got rid of age spots? The good news is you can dramatically reduce the appearance of all three with one product.

I have developed a new product that works on all three to increase radiance, glossiness and luminosity. This product is called “Diminue” and delivers the active ingredients deeply into the skin to hydrate, firm and reduce age spots. Diminue has the ability to naturally reduce the advent of freckles, skin tone disorders and age spots significantly for any skin type; even the most sensitive skin types!

The foremost ingredient is a naturally potent, sustainable ingredient with a patent-pending mechanism of action that produces visibly rapid lightening results in under 14 days! This innovative action uses the fermentation of grape to shut down and stop melanogenesis. Through a process called melanogenesis, these cells produce melanin, which is a pigment found in the skin, eyes, and hair. This melanogenesis leads to a long-lasting pigmentation, which is in contrast to the pigmentation that originates from oxidation of already-existing melanin. It works like a chemical peel to exfoliate and resurface the skin.

The second valuable ingredient for pigmentation is Kakadu Plum. It has the highest concentration of Vitamin C of any source on the planet earth. Over a 100 times more than an orange. Vitamin C is a critical nutrient for skin health. It is found in high levels in both your dermis and epidermis and plays an important role in producing collagen. As you know, collagen is the foundation of your skin. It’s production is vital for keeping your skin smooth, luminous and healthy. UV rays make your skin stop producing collagen and start producing melanin which is what leads to age spots and loose skin. However, once collagen production is fully supported, your skin begins to heal itself while also becoming resistant to further damage. This means the Kakadu Plum is so powerful, it has the potential to work for anybody. Kakadu Plum’s defense agains UV rays is the strongest in nature. Because the Vitamin C content lightens existing dark spots and the defense mechanism prevents dark spots. You are not only protecting, you are correcting.

Algae Extract is a seaweed (alga) that has spent millions of years on the sea surface and evolved mechanisms to protect their DNA from UV damage. Algae Extract will firm, protect and restore skin and boost collagen synthesis. It is rich in Omega fatty acids and anti-inflammatories, strengthen elastin.

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) protects agains UV rays, prevents more dark spots and keeps past damage below the surface of the skin.

Daisy Flower Extract keeps melanin from forming. It actually supports your skin by reducing spots and preventing your skin from forming dark spots.

Many individuals have searched high and low for an effective skin lightening product
to diminish the appearance of unappealing age spots and the effects of hyper pigmentation on the skin. Many bleaching solutions have to date, not been safe for use by all skin types and has caused a lot of damage as it contained a lot of toxic chemicals including parabens, mercury and hydroquinone.